Carbon Consultancy

Buildings and construction are responsible for nearly 39% of total carbon emissions in the world. By building green, we can reduce the impact our buildings have on contributing to climate change while also building resilience into our homes and communities. Decarbonizing the carbon emissions of building and construction activities is in-line with numerous of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals at the same time it achieves cost savings from improved energy productivity or other operational efficiencies, as well as reduces the entire carbon related cost impact in the supply-demand value chain of the built environment.

Green Quarter is dedicated to reducing carbon footprints both in our project as well as throughout the built environmental industry.  We help our clients understand and reduce their buildings' total carbon contributions, including contributions from both operational carbon emissions and embodied carbon. Additionally, we work with our clients to emphasise how tracking their embodied carbon is an essential component of their carbon action plans, and how reducing the embodied carbon of their projects can support their broader sustainability and carbon reduction goals.

Carbon Footprint

Quantify Scope 1 2,and 3 of carbon emission and prepare for greenhouse gas inventory.

Embodied Carbon

Identify the embodied carbon including sourcing of materials, system and buildings constructions, transportation and site work.

Mitigation Strategy

Develop mitigation strategies and advices priority areas for carbon emission reduction opportunities.

Capacity Building

Provide technical training and conduct awareness programme.